张仁意,男,1988年7月生,博士研究生,教授, 硕士生导师。
1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,“广布种光唇裂腹鱼的表型趋同进化研究”,2022/01-2025/12
2. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,“中国特有金线鲃属鱼类的系统演化和物种多样化研究”,2020/01-2023/12
3. 贵州省科学技术基金项目,“贵州省鱼类DNA条形码研究”,2018/08-2021/07
4. 贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目,“多斑金线鲃Toll样受体基因家族的分子进化研究”,2021/01-2022/12
1. Renyi Zhang*, Qian Duan, Qi Luo, Lei Deng. PacBio Full-Length Transcriptome of a Tetraploid Sinocyclocheilus multipunctatus Provides Insights into the Evolution of Cavefish. Animals 2023, 13: 3399.
2. Qian Duan, Qi Luo, Qian Tang, Lei Deng, Renyi Zhang*, Yanping Li*. The Comprehensive transcripts analysis based on single-molecule real-time sequencing and Illumina sequencing provides insights into the mining of Toll-like receptor family in Schizothorax lissolabiatus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2023, 140: 108963.
3. Qi Luo, Qian Tang, Lei Deng, Qian Duan, Renyi Zhang*. A new cavefish of Sinocyclocheilus (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from the Nanpanjiang River in Guizhou, China. Journal of Fish Biology, 2023.
4. Qian Tang, Lei Deng, Qi Luo, Qian Duan, Xue Wang, Renyi Zhang*. DNA Barcoding of Fish Species Diversity in Guizhou, China. Diversity, 2023, 15: 203.
5. Qian Tang, Qi Luo, Qian Duan, Lei Deng, Renyi Zhang*. DNA Barcode Identification of Fish Products from Guiyang Markets in Southwestern People's Republic of China. Journal of Food Protection, 2022, 85(4): 583-590.
6. Renyi Zhang#*, Lei Deng#, Xiaomei Lv, Qian Tang. Complete mitochondrial genomes of two catfishes (Siluriformes, Bagridae) and their phylogenetic implications. ZooKeys, 2022, 1115: 103-116.
7. Renyi Zhang#*, Qian Tang#, Lei Deng. The complete mitochondrial genome of Microphysogobio elongatus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) and its phylogenetic implications. ZooKeys, 2021, 1061: 57-73.